How many possible combinations are there in a 3x3x3 rubics cube?

How many possible combinations are there in a 3x3x3 rubics cube?

In other words, if you wanted to solve the rubics cube by trying different combinations, how many might it take you (worst case senerio)?

How many for a 4x4x4 cube?


There are 4.3252 * 10^19 possible combinations for 3x3x3 Rubics and 7.4012 * 10^45 possible combinations for 4x4x4 Rubics.

Let's consider 3x3x3 Rubics first.

There are 8 corner cubes, which can be arranged in 8! ways.
Each of these 8 cubes can be turned in 3 different directions, so there are 3^8 orientations altogether. But if you get all but one of the corner cube into chosen positions and orientations, only one of 3 orientations of the final corner cube is possible. Thus, total ways corner cubes can be placed = (8!) * (3^8)/8 = (8!) * (3^7)

Similarly, 12 edge cubes can be arranged in 12! ways.
Each of these 12 cubes can be turned in 2 different directions, so there are 2^12 orientations altogether. But if you get all but one of the edge cube into chosen positions and orientations, only one of 2 orientations of the final edge cube is possible. Thus, total ways edge cubes can be placed = (12!) * (2^12)/2 = (12!) * (2^11)

Here, we have essentially pulled the cubes apart and stuck cubes back in place wherever we please. In reality, we can only move cubes around by turning the faces of the cubes. It turns out that you can't turn the faces in such a way as to switch the positions of two cubes while returning all the others to their original positions. Thus if you get all but two cubes in place, there is only one attainable choice for them (not 2!). Hence, we must divide by 2.

Total different possible combinations are
= [(8!) * (3^7)] * [(12!) * (2^11)] / 2
= (8!) * (3^7) * (12!) * (2^10)
= 4.3252 * 10^19

Similarly, for 4x4x4 Rubics total different possible combinations are
= [(8!) * (3^7)] * [(24!)] * [(24!) / (4!^6)] / 24
= 7.4011968 * 10^45

Note that there are 24 edge cubes, which you can not turn in 2 orientations (hence no 2^24 / 2). Also, there are 4 center cubes per face i.e. (24!) / (4!^6). You can switch 2 cubes without affecting the rest of the combination as 4*4*4 has even dimensions (hence no division by 2). But pattern on one side is rotated in 4 directions over 6 faces, hence divide by 24.

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